If your child is participating in summer learning, please complete this permission form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=S7AZ4AwzekaLrgn7FzdNatv56BLiluBNqgvxA-7mXIVUNExGV1hKTzhTWVYwNlJOOFdSM1FUUEZHTC4u

Fill | Summer Learning Permissions Please complete the following permissions for your children who are attending Husky-tastic Summer Learning.  forms.office.com

This newsletter provides information about Summer Learning:


Husky-Tastic Summer Learning News Husky-Tastic Summer Learning News June 3, 2022 www.smore.com

If you would like to sign your child up for summer learning, please complete this form........IT'S NOT TOO LATE!!!  Please complete this even if you think they would like to attend a few days!!


Fill | Upshur County Summer Learning Attendance Form Greetings! Upshur County Schools are excited to partner with the WV Department of Education to offer a summer learning program for students June 6-24, 2022. We want to give our students the opportunity to regain instructional time that may have been lost. If your student is interested in participating in the Summer SOLE (Student Opportunities for Learning and Engagement) program, please complete the survey below. Please submit a response for each student in the household who wishes to attend. **Please complete this survey even if you expressed interest in the Summer Learning program at your child's school. Thank you! forms.office.com