Upshur County Schools Prepare for Four-Day Student Return 


At a special board meeting held on Monday, March 1, the Upshur County Board of Education finalized re-entry plans, as advised by the West Virginia Board of Education. Beginning Monday, March 8, Upshur County students will continue four days of in-person instruction--Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday--with a 3:15pm dismissal. Wednesdays will be reserved for remote learning and deep cleaning.  


While full-remote learning continues to be an option, our hope is that all students will return to in-person learning. Students who are not finding success with full-time remote learning and are in danger of failure, will be required to return to in-person learning, effective March 8. School personnel will be making contact with full-time remote students to assist with the transition to in-person learning. Additionally, the Upshur County Board of Education will continue discussion regarding options to improve remote learning during their meeting on Tuesday, March 9, 6:00pm at Buckhannon-Upshur High School. 


Five-day food box distribution will be held on Wednesdays at the Tennerton Warehouse from 9:00am-2:00pm for students participating in full-time remote instruction. FedEx will continue to deliver boxes to those who have requested this service. One-day food packages will be provided to students participating in in-person learning on Tuesdays. This package contains one breakfast and one lunch for Wednesday remote learning days. All schools will offer a curbside pick-up supper on Wednesdays.  


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  • Consistent use of face coverings. 

  • Hand hygiene.  

  • Social distancing to the largest extent. 

  • Elimination of large group gatherings outside of classrooms. 

  • Proper cleaning and disinfection. 

  • Contact tracing in collaboration with local health departments.